Models that use relationships and associations or properties of geological, geophysical and geo-chemical entities (Figure 2) that affect oil-playfactorsandcharacterizedataintegration process, may also undermine the data warehouse maintainer’s ability to understand the complexity of data structures. This plays a role in gaining a holistic understanding of petroleum company data. Data warehouse maintenance and administration are other issues to be judged while developing an ontology or conceptual model. A commitment to ontology will help ensure consistency. Inconsistencies or errors that occur during database design are expensive to fix at later stages of warehouse development. Unless the true meaning of the entities and their relationships are understood, the conceptual model, representing the petroleumcompany’sdataandthebusinessrules applied, while mapping the entities and relationships, is incomplete, thus making its design more inconsistent. Database designers may use conceptual modeling to design hundreds of fact and dimension tables using relational and hierarchical structures. Ontology provides basic knowledge and semantic information for designing the data warehouse in petroleum exploration and production in oil-play knowledge domains. Hundreds of entities and their attributes associated with petroleum systems and their elements are well organized ontologically and semantically in a warehousing approach, so that basin and petroleum system knowledge is well understood for managing petroleum reserve inventories. (2005a) demonstrate ontology application in petroleum industry that evaluates the inventory of the petroleum reserves in the Western Australian producing basins. Integrate exploration and production costs data and developing relationships with petroleum systems data. Collect reservoir, structure, seal, sourcematurity, migration and timing data and generate conceptual models using ontology.Ĩ. Represent all the entities in to relational, hierarchical and networked data structures.ħ. Acquire surveys, wells, permits and production data.Ħ. Structureandde-structurecomplexrelation- ships among data entities.ĥ. Build relationships among entities with their common attributes.Ĥ. Identify entities, attributes of exploration and production data.ģ. Acquire data attributed to the development of petroleum system.Ģ. ° Applicability and feasibility of data warehouse supported by ontological modeling, and a combined application of data mining and visualization can have a tremendous impact on petroleum system knowledge discovery that changes the economics of petroleum business.Ĭonceptual data modeling through an Ontological approachġ.

Improved reservoir management, may reduce dry holes and targeting optimal well completions through data mining of reservoir and production data in the temporal dimension. Relationships among the hydrocarbon accumulations, formation (sequences of geological unit) pressures and their economic significance may affect pre and post drilling plans and their costs.